In a large mixing bowl, whisk the flour, sugar, yeast, and salt.
In a second smaller bowl, add the yogurt, coconut oil, and warm water.
Mix with a wooden spoon until a shaggy dough forms. Knead with your hands until a sticky dough forms. It should be sticky, but not runny. If runny, add a few pinches of flour until it becomes more like dough.
Using wet hands or a bench scraper, form into a ball. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 45 minutes or until double in size.
Dust a clean work surface with flour and turn the proved dough out onto it. Divide into 4-6 pieces. Use as much flour as needed to prevent sticking. Cover with a lint-free towel as oven preheats
Preheat oven to as high it will go. Mine goes to 550°F, but you can also do it at 500°F. If you have a baking steel or pizza stone, put it in now.
Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into an oval shape. To make the classic triangle shape, pinch the bottom sides an gently pull.
Brush top with melted coconut oil or vegan butter and place on baking steel or pizza stone. If you don't have one, put on a parchment lined baking pan. Bake 2-3 at a time
Bake for 3-5 minutes until golden spots appear on the surface. Larger ones will take longer to cook, so just keep an eye on it.
Repeat with remaining dough.